The first step to becoming a top performing student

Academic excellence, money, fame, name it have the same origin. Having read a number of personal development books and the steps my life has taken I realized that all success originates from the same point. No goal has been achieved in history without the achiever imagining and desiring it first.

 imagine your self being a top performing student? good grades aren’t beyond your reach, they can be scored by anyone and have no negative side effects. 

As Napoleon Hill puts it, this imagination sparks desire which will drive you to take right steps and cross all the bridges ahead of you successfully. By reading this post, it shows that you have the desire to become a top performing student. However, this desire is far less the desire Hill talks about. In order to achieve a goal, one must have a burning desire to achieve that goal. It is this strong desire that will help you stay focused and energized to achieve your dream.

The burning desire to enjoy the fruits of becoming a top performing student (getting scholarships, winning various prizes, earning respect from peers, teachers not forgetting parents, and more employment opportunities) will give you the required momentum to score high in tests and exams.

Due to human nature, we easily forget the important things we are supposed to do and find ourselves engaged in things that won’t contribute anything or worse, detrimental to our goals. Follow the following procedure to ensure that your desire for getting good grades doesn’t die but strengthens to a level of propelling you to academic excellence.

·        Write down your goal.
Once you set your goal, you should put it in writing. This strengthens your probability to achieve them. Always be specific and clear when setting goals. Don’t just say “I want to get good grades”. Instead, you can say “this semester I will pass all the five course with As”.

·        The second step is to write down the plan you are going to use in order to achieve this goal.

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”      Muhammad Ali.

 Just like boxing, professors don’t award grades for free. and we keep on reminding you that for you to have something you have to provide something. A student has to be proactive in order to score good grades. Plan what you will be doing every day in order to achieve your goal.

Recite your goal with the plan at least two times a day. Make sure that you read the goal and plan from the bottom of your heart. Mere reading will not produce the desired effect. you should add emotions when reading this goal. feel it that you are already a top performing student and your sub-conscious mind will record this. this will transform your habits to those of a top performing student. you can't be a top performing student with the attitude of an average student.  


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