6 exam acing tips every student must know

In the exam room

This is the academic pitch where you show people the fruits of the academic skills you have. The following tips will help you to maximize your potential in the exam taking process.

1.Read the instructions carefully.
Don’t rush to answering questions. Note the compulsory questions and optional question. If you don’t read directions you will end up giving a very right answer to a very wrong question. If you have just memorized some concepts recently doing a memory dump will clear your head and allow you to think critically when writing time starts . You should write down all the memorized formulas, facts and explanations at the front page of the paper before you begin answering.     

 2  *Always remember to write your examination number*      

3. plan your time
We all have at least once scored less the grade which we deserved because of time. This happens because we failed to put the correct answers on the answer sheet on time. Know the total number of questions you must answer and divide your time. Remember to include revision time at the end.

4. Tackle simpler questions first.
You are likely to finish these questions before their allotted time. You will use this bonus time when tackling the harder questions. You should also focus much on questions with a greater number of points. Spending much of your time trying to find a solution to a multiple choice question which will only give you a single point will only waste your time and energy. Skip the question so you can come back to it later.

5 when tackling multiple choice question you should make sure that you read all alternatives even when you know that the first alternative is correct
You should also take care of the negatives e.g. “which one isn’t”, all of these except”. Make sure you match your question number and answer number correctly if you are using a computer card. You will end up scoring a zero if you don’t do the right matching.         

6. Fourthly when writing essays you have to write the outline first. 
Most students skip this process because the think rushing to answering will save their time. The opposite is true, we have already discussed how much time planning saves. An outline helps you to stay on track. You know what to write and everything flows smoothly. Apart from saving time submitting an outline when you don’t have enough time will earn you more points than submitting an introduction. Always remember to write your essay within the specified word range.

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