how to catch up and never fall back again on class work

1. how to catch up

falling back on class work is a common problem. sometimes you may find that you aren't getting anything your math professor is saying because you didn't get the previous concept or you have an exam coming ahead but you aren't well equipped. in all circumstances the process of catching up is the same. in this article you will learn how you can catch up easily and never fall back again on class work.

ease the panic
the first thing to do after realizing that you have fallen behind on class work is to ease the panic . i have explained a number of times how dangerous stress can be to productivity. the best way to relieve this panic to take a day off your studies. watch movies, play games, listen to music e.t.c.

make a to do list
make a to do list. write down the things you are supposed to do in order to catch up. from your list identify the most important tasks. you will start tackling these tasks first and the less important tasks later.

choose a blitz day
choose a day on your calendar and cancel all the to dos of that that day. you should use this day to cover the work you have decided to catch up on. remember to reward yourself at the end of the blitz day to stay motivated for future tasks

ask your professor
if you still find yourself struggling with some parts you should ask your friend or professor. 

2. how to avoid falling back again

know why you have fallen behind
sometimes we fall back on studies because of circumstances beyond our control, but most of the times poor time management practices are the main culprits of this situation. the first step to avoid falling back again is to figure out what made you fall back this time. from this you should make a personal constitution to keep you from falling into the same trap (that may call for a change in habits). 

remember your goal
if you know the goals you have set in life, you also know what you have to give in order to achieve your goal. keep track of the steps you are supposed to take in order to get what you want.


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