how to curb procastination
Procrastination is a disease people have suffered since creation. In
students procrastination is manifested in postponing important activities e.g.
assignments and study sessions. It is normal to procrastinate. However
excessive procrastination brings dangerous consequences. All-nighters are an
example of the consequences of procrastination. Postponing school work to a
later hour, day or week only makes it pile up to an extent of overwhelming you.
Like every bad habit procrastination is a habit that is difficult to get rid
of. Follow these simple but helpful strategies to overcome procrastination.
A calendar and a to-do list are the widely used time management tools. If
you haven’t started using these tools yet, where you have been man! Using a
calendar and a to do list wont only help you in curbing procrastination. Storing due dates of assignments and dates of
events in your head will only make your head busy at the end you will find
yourself forgetting to execute them.
How to use time management tools
· make a semester calendar.
You can
choose a regular calendar, Google calendar or a calendar of any format. on this calendar you write all assignments
with their due dates, exams with their specific dates, school activities and
other extracurricular activities with dates and specific places .we will explain more on time management in our future posts, just stay plugged.
· make a daily to-do list
A to-do list
is a piece of paper which contains all the tasks to be completed in a
also contains tasks which you haven’t scheduled yet. You must walk with your to
do list everywhere so that you should know what to do at every specific time the day. You
should also write down every new task on the list so that you can schedule
their time and transfer them to the calendar later in the evening.
A calendar
and a to-do list work together. During the day, you walk with a to-do list in
your pocket to remind you what to do at every time of the day. In the evening
you transfer the unscheduled tasks from the to-do list to the calendar. You
also make a tomorrows to do list by transferring what’s on tomorrows date on
the calendar to a new paper. You should indicate deadlines for each task.
2. Tackle tough work first
“If you eat a frog first thing in the morning that
will probably be the worst thing you do all day.”
– Mark Twain
Remember the last time you forgot to do something important. The negative consequences you experienced, etc. remembering such an unpleasant experience will motivate you to getting the work done. you should keep a record of your progress for future reference.
3. Split work into smaller manageable chunks
Sometimes tasks can be overwhelming. Splitting them into smaller tasks makes it easier to manage. For example, if your assignment is to write an essay, you can split your assignment into the following steps
Step1: read related articles
Step 2: develop an outline
Step 3: write an introduction
Step 4: write the first four hundred words (and so on)
4. Put visible reminders
Put some
notes or signs in your room, bathroom or on your phone to remind you that you
have a task that needs to be executed.
5. Remember your goal
why you have to do a specific task is very important. you should list the
positive rewards your will get after completing a task, list the negative
consequences you will face for not doing something then decide on weather
procrastinating will help you or
6. Reward yourself
yourself after completing a task motivates you to complete future tasks. Eating
a healthy snack, riding a bike, or taking a walk after accomplishing a
particular task will give you the energy to complete other tasks because you
will be thinking of doing the work to reward yourself.
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