5 brilliant ways to maximize concentration and benefit more from your studying

Maximum concentration is needed during study . The amount of work one can accomplish per specific time is directly proportional to the level of concentration. i.e. The higher the level of concentration the lager the amount of work accomplished.below are 5 brilliant ways to maximize concentration.
1.   Reduce distractions
Most distractions can be removed by choosing the right place to study. A good study location must be free from distractions. In my opinion studying in private places is more effective than busy places. Often times I hear people praising me because I get good grades but they don’t see me studying often. The truth of the matter is that is that I study often but in private places because there are less distractions. Places like your dorm room should be avoided at all cost in as far as studying is concerned.

 While others prefer studying on the same place and same time of the day, I prefer changing scenery and time for studying for the following reasons;

•          It helps me to retain the information better since the brain makes connections between places and the information i study. More study environments help the brain to produce more connections with the work.

•          Changing scenery has also been proven to be a most effective way to revive the mind since Studying in the same place breeds monotony. Therefore changing the place of study increases interest and concentration

2.     Manage stress
Stress is the body’s response to demand or threat. The right amount of stress is good because it pushes you to get things done. On the other hand excessive stress is injurious to concentration. Effective stress management is necessary for academic success. Below are some of the strategies students use to deal with stress.
I.                   Do things on time.
Things like exams and assignments are major causes of stress, if you don’t prepare properly. Leaving everything to the last minute will end up causing you stress. you have to manage time efficiently you will end up having load of work to cover which will give you stress

II.                 Talk about it to someone
“A problem shared is half solved” they say. Although some of the problems cannot be solved, talking to someone about it can relieve a greater amount of stress. Talk to your peers, parents or professor about your problem to reduce stress.

III.              Eat healthily
Food fuels us to work. Stress depletes food appetite. Often times stressed individuals resort to junk foods such as fried fast foods and sugar carbonated beverages because of the temporary pleasure they provide. These foods don’t supply the body with all the required nutrients. This results into hunger induced boredom which will in turn affect your ability to concentrate.

IV.              Do physical exercise
Physical activity releases endorphins which produce a feeling of well being. Physical exercise also removes your attention from your negative thoughts to the contraction and relaxation of your muscles.

V.                Get enough sleep
Sleep is another useful stress management tool. Understanding how stress and sleep are connected is vital in stress management. Stress results into insomnia and insomnia results into stress. Make sure you get enough sleep to reduce stress levels.
VI.              Practice meditation
“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state”.   Wikipedia
Almost all types of meditation reduce stress. Along with stress reduction meditation brings several more benefits such as: self-awareness enhancement, lengthening attention span, memory loss reduction, fighting against addictions and blood pressure reduction.

 3.     Take breaks
Taking a break after every one hour of study helps in maintaining study performance. Don’t cram all your work into one long study session. You can take a walk, stretch, run a quick errand or phone a friend. This will revitalize your mind and you will come back to work refreshed and more focused. However you shouldn’t take breaks as an excuse to procrastinate.  
 4.     Don’t multitask while studying
Doing multiple tasks while studying sabotages concentration. Watching television, media and video games will reduce your information absorption rate . This will cost you more time to complete school work.
5.     Don’t study one learning area the whole day
Studying one subject per day has the same effect as studying in the same environment. The brain gets used to the monotony of the subject this will cause your attention to wander off. Study 2-5 subjects per day to keep your concentration intact.


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