7 tips to staying awake while studying (without the aid of caffeine)

staying alert in class or while studying can be difficult sometimes.some resort to the use of stimulants such as caffeine while others implement harsh strategies e.g. putting feet in cold water just to stay awake while studying. these simple and healthy strategies will help you to stay alert during work time. 1. eat a healthy balanced diet. if you plan to study, eating salty, fatty or other junk foods isn't a good idea. these foods only provide temporary pleasure. lack of essential nutrients in the blood during study time induces sleep. feed you body the right way for it to work efficiently. 2. drink water this is a major component of our bodies. water helps in the transportation of food and other necessary chemicals to the targeted cells and the removal of wastes from these cells to excretory organs. a decrease in the percentage of water in the body affects the ability to concentrate . remember to keep yourself hydrated while stud...