7 effective ways to motivate yourself for study

these are some of the excuses students cook when they don't want to study. The bottom line is that all these students won't accomplish what they could accomplish if they could just kick their excuses aside and get their hands on the important task ( study). the following techniques will motivate you to study in situations such as the ones mentioned above.
1. set clear goals.
setting goals lets you know what to do in order to achieve what you want. despite saying this for a number of times I will say it again, "there is no something for nothing on earth". by setting goals you know what you have to give in order to get good grades. if you don't know how successful goals are set click here.
2. split large amounts of work into small manageable tasks.
in case you don't feel like studying because you are overwhelmed by the amount of work or it's just beyond your capabilities, chunking it down will make it seem manageable and you will be motivated to start. for example, whenever you have been given a big essay assignment, split it as follows:
Step1: read related articles
Step 2: develop an outline
Step 3: write an introduction
3. have a positive attitude
nobody invests time, energy and resources in things which he thinks won't bear fruits. having a negative attitude toward a subject is the first step to failing it. your subconscious mind will be telling you that you will only waste time working on that particular course. this will demotivate you from giving it all you have. chesterton says "there are no boring subjects, only uninterested minds"
4. make a trip to study somewhere
This has always been my favorite technique. whenever I encounter a difficult task I make a trip to the task at a place a bit far from where I reside or school. it can be a library in town or some quiet place where you will be able to study without being distracted. traveling this distance means that you have made your mind up to do the task. this works almost for every student because if you are serious enough you can't travel all that distance and return without accomplishing what you traveled for.
5. study in a group.
apart from being accountable to oneself, when you study with your friends, you must also be accountable to them. you will be required to be present for group discussions regardless of your lame excuses. in addition, you have to study before attending group discussions in order to contribute effectively failing which you take the risk of being kicked out of the group. click here for tips on forming a successful study group
6. create a study routine
let us accept the truth that we can not have the required motivation every time we want to study.
creating a routine helps your mind to know what must be done at every specific time of the day.
breaking a routine you have been following for a period of time makes you feel guilty and unable to relax. make sure you have a study schedule because it helps a lot.
7.set a timer
I use this technique when I am at the study or work place but I find myself lost in thoughts or busy doing something which isn't related to the work. setting a timer for five minutes allows me to finish whatever I am doing and prepares me to get to work. after these five minutes, I am alert and ready to work.
finally you have to remember that study doesn't hurt nearly as failing.
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finally you have to remember that study doesn't hurt nearly as failing.
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