4 easy steps to a better grade in mathematics

mathematics is a heavy threat to a larger percentage of students and I once was a member of this set of students. these students believe that they are not good at math because they have bad genes for numbers, but the reality is that everybody can be a math person if he or she follows the advice that you will get in this post.

 as much as this dangerous thinking circulates, mathematical skills remain the main facet to getting good jobs and running successful businesses in the modern world. believing you cant be better at math is a huge sabotage to your potential in life.in addition you are supporting a terrible myth that will continue to hurt future generations.

from my experience I distilled a common formula which works perfect in all math related subjects.no one has failed mathematics after implementing the strategies that you will learn from this article, on the flip side  no one has succeeded in mathematical subjects without implementing them.
since I started using this formula the lowest grade I got in math related course is a B+ in the first semester of my second year. I have given these tips to many of  my friends and the results after using them are 100% positive.

1. have the right attitude towards numbers.
" your altitude depends more on your attitude than your aptitude" they say. believing you will make it keeps you motivated to get the things done. naturally we don't like investing time and resources in things we know they wont produce fruits. most students fail the math course at the beginning of the semester (before they enter any class). this keeps them from taking the necessary steps towards a good grade in the subject.

there is no shortcut to this. nowhere on earth exists a thing like something for nothing. this is the what you have to do in order to get an A+ in math . in mathematical subjects you must solve a number of problems of a particular type before facing it in an exam. you will even like the habit of solving math once you get accustomed to it. after solving a math problem you must review the way you solved it and see if you have committed errors. take note when you  make a mistake so that you wont repeat the mistake in future.

3. understand the logic behind the process.
most students find difficulties in math because they memorize the process instead of understanding it. mathematical principles are interconnected and they don't change. once you unlock the secret to one type of problems you will find it easier to learn other principles that go along with it. make sure you also master the vocabulary used in the subject. learn definitions and how different words are used in the topic.

4. apply mathematics to real life situations.
in so doing you will remove the fear you have for mathematics and view it as something useful that you must learn and use. you can use proportions when mixing ingredients in the cooking process or probability when estimating the chance of something happening or not (just to mention a few).playing math games during you free time stimulates neurons responsible for math problem solving.


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