welcome to the second episode in the time management series. in this episode, we will continue looking at some of the strategies top performing students use to get more work done at the same time have plenty of time for sleep and play. we keep on mentioning play and sleep in our articles because we know that most people perceive these important ingredients of success in a WRONG WAY.
Successful people prioritize these two factors. Leonardo da Vinci, Bill Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, and many more successful people are believed or believe that one secret behind their success is napping.
Be there
“80% of success is showing up” Woody Allen
this is the basic secret to any success. regular class attendance saves your time to study the material. no book can explain the material better than a human being directly. if you don’t understand something ask right away . leave all those lame excuses and attend classes so that you learn the material better and save the time you could spend trying to figure out what is and whats not on your own. if the class is too big and you can’t ask a question see the professor in office hours or ask a friend.
use downtime wisely.
after submitting that big assignment which used to give a dozen of night nightmares, most students toss their school work aside and wait for another assignment to remember it . by doing this, work piles up and it will force you to pull all-nighters when the exams approach. it's good to reward yourself after accomplishing such a big task but you should remember that the journey doesn’t end here. A day off your studies is enough to revitalize your mind. always remember to “hustle while waiting” to enjoy more in life

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