a day in the life of a straight A student

we asked him to share how his normal day's schedule looks like and this is what he sent.
5:00-5:30 exercise
5:30-6:00 shower & breakfast
7:15-9:00 study
9:00-12:00 class
12:00-1:00 lunch
1:00-3:00 class
3:30-6:30 study
6:30-9:30 supper, watch movies, chill with my girlfriend, etc.
9:30-5:00 sleep
one thing that is interesting with this guy is that he is an engineering student and these are one set of students who complain more about their workload and limited study time but this is not the case with him.
by six thirty, he has already covered close to five hours of study(which is enough for his work load) and his is free to watch movies while most of his average colleagues haven't started yet. Lubanzi here is a good example of one piece of the gospel that powerful study tips is preaching.
most students believe that the night is the best time to study which is wrong. normally after eating your supper you would probably want to relax a bit before thinking about any work. by the time you organize resources you realize that the time is already at 7:30. you will only study actively for about an hour or two because from there the urge to sleep will impact your concentration which will result into pseudo studying and less hours of sleep.
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